Group singing classes, learning the fundamentals of singing along to music and with other voices. Includes, breathing exercises, sounding activities and games.

Voice techniques, singing the scales and learning how to develop beautiful tone, power, articulation and tuning. Age appropriate popular songs in various styles such as movie tunes, musical theatre, pop, classical and children’s songs.

• They have a love of singing and appreciation of music.

• They want to develop their vocal skills in a group setting.

• They feel the need to develop performance confidence and great singing skills.

• Develop their choral singing skills.

• Your child can sing with power and confidence, so they can enjoy performing under any circumstance.

• They will have developed strong breathing techniques so they can sing for hours, without strain.

• They can learn the love of songs, storytelling and harmony singing which they will carry for a lifetime.

• Your child will develop the skills to sing all styles of music.